League Info
SEASON START DATE: April 27, 2025 and runs for 8 weeks.
Registration for the Outdoor 2025 Season opens January 6. Last day to register is February 28, 2025.
U9 & Up Schedules can be found for each team on the Valley Soccer Association website found HERE which will also be added to the TeamLinkt team app, you'll find this when the player is assigned to a team.
U5 - Born in 2020-2021
- Games are played on Wednesday nights starting at 6:00pm
- Once a week 30-45min practice, parents are required to be present and help when needed
- NO out of town travel
U7 -Born in 2018-2019
- Games are played on Tuesday
- Once a week, 30min practice followed by 30min game
- NO out of town travel
U9 - Born in 2016-2017
- Games are played on Monday nights
- We are required to play in the Valley Soccer League and Travel is Required
- Teams will have 30 minute practice followed by a 20 minute half game. Any futher practices are determined by the coach.
U11 - Born in 2014-2015
- Games are played on Friday night.
- We are required to play in the Valley Soccer League and Travel is Required
- 1 practice (at the discretion of the coach) and 1 game played per week
- As per Valley Soccer League, our 2024 U11 teams will be organized as Boy/Girl teams. Please select one option upon registering.
U13 - Born in 2012-2013
- Games are played on Thursday and/or Sunday nights
- 1 practice (at the discretion of the coach) and 1 game played per week
- As per Valley Soccer League, our 2024 U13 teams will be organized as Boy/Girl teams. Please select one option upon registering.
U15 - Born in 2010-2011
- Games are played on Wednesday and/or Sunday night
- 1 practice (at the discretion of the coach) and 1 game played per week
- As per Valley Soccer League, our 2024 U13 teams will be organized as Boy/Girl teams. Please select one option upon registering.
U18 - Born in 2007, 2008, and 2009
- Games are played on Tuesday and/or Sunday night
- 1 practice (at the discretion of the coach) and 1 game played per week